PCCF Activates Perry County Relief Fund for COVID-19 Relief
April 1, 2020 - Perry County Community Foundation has activated the Perry County Family Relief Fund as a resource for Perry County’s COVID-19 response and is now accepting contributions. Originally established in March 2017 in response to the devastating tornado that hit Perry County, the fund raised and immediately distributed more than $180,000 locally.
“After those funds were distributed, the PCCF board elected to hold the fund open as a long-term resource in case any other community disaster should strike,” said Angela Swan, current PCCF board chair. “It truly was great long-term planning on the part of our board at the time. Because of their foresight, we are well prepared to quickly initiate this fundraising effort and get the word out about its availability.”

Considered secondary responders,” PCCF and other local nonprofits stand ready to provide services to the community as the need arises. “In some communities across the nation, we are already seeing gaps addressed such as childcare, needs of seniors and other high-risk individuals, food insecurity, transportation and physical and mental wellbeing. We fully anticipate that other needs will arise in our own county as this story unfolds,” says Swan.
Persons willing to be a part of the relief effort may contribute online. Checks may be mailed to or dropped off the new PCCF location: PCCF, c/o Catalyst Center for Business, 508 N. Main Street, Suite B, Perryville, MO 63775. PCCF pledges that all funds donated to the Perry County Family Relief fund will be earmarked for COVID-19 Response Family Relief and distributed within Perry County. PCCF can only grant money directly to 501(c)3 and equivalent nonprofits such as faith and civic entities, which in turn provide services to their constituents. Under IRS rules, PCCF may not make grants directly to individuals. According to Swan, “We are set up this way so we can give a shot in the arm exactly where it is needed, when it is needed, to boost local disaster relief and other community efforts.” Since its founding on Dec. 12, 2014, Perry County Community Foundation has distributed nearly $1.8 million back to the community. PCCF now holds assets totaling $199,596 as of June 30, 2020. #perryvilletogether #perryvillemo